You’ve recently gotten divorced. The most traumatic, disastrous experience in your life is still fresh, leaving you with bitter, raw wounds that will likely take years to recover from. What’s a person to do?
These days, one of the most common answers is, “Get plastic surgery.”
That’s right. At first glance, plastic surgery may not seem like it would be at the top of your “Things to Help Me Heal after a Nasty Divorce” list. But for a growing number of men and women in the United States and Britain, it actually is.
For some of these people, plastic surgery offers a way to tighten up areas of your body you let go during marriage and boost your self-confidence before re-entering the dating world. While I think there are healthier and more psychologically stable ways to achieve this goal, I can at least understand the rationale in this case – especially if it has been decades since you have been out and about on the dating scene.
But for the vast majority of people seeking post-divorce plastic surgery, it seems their motive is far more sinister: REVENGE.
Yes, many woman and men are heading straight to their local plastic surgeon as soon as the dust settles on their divorce, and their stated goal is to make their ex jealous. They call this trend revenge plastic surgery.
I suppose the rationale behind revenge plastic surgery is that your ex will be filled with rage (or remorse?) once they see what they are missing out on? I’ll tackle this line of thinking in a little bit. First, let’s talk more about this insane phenomenon exploding on both sides of the Atlantic.
Is this for Real?
Apparently, it is. In fact, there are enough people in the market for revenge plastic surgery that a fair number of plastic surgeons have started offering post-divorce discounts and post-divorce bundled procedure packages.
I guess these surgeons are trying to reel in that whale before it recovers from the initial blow of their divorce. One surgeon was even quoted as saying, “I personally believe this [revenge surgery] is part of the grieving process when a relationship ends.” Talk about integrity.
As you would likely expect, the bulk of procedures requested as part of revenge plastic surgery roughly mirror many of the most popular procedures requested by non-divorcees:
- Breast augmentation
- Liposuction
- Tummy tuck
- BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers (for those who aren’t quite ready to mutilate their bodies in the name of revenge)
Some older yet still bitter divorcing people are also going all-in on the full face lift. Hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Get Over Yourself
So why are these people wasting their time trying to make their ex jealous? That, to me, is the million dollar question. If you are laser-focused on getting revenge and making your ex jealous, you aren’t really focused on moving on with your life. Seems like a silly way to embrace your newly single existence.
If these people really think that a little plastic surgery is going to make their ex jealous, they need to have their head examined. Based on my experience with people coming out of toxic marriages (which is admittedly rather small), it seems like most of them are thrilled to finally be free. The last thing they care about is how good their ex is looking.
If you think about it, it’s highly doubtful your ex would find you the slightest bit attractive even if you paid top dollar to the world’s best plastic surgeon and got results that made you look like a super model. When you hate someone, there’s very little they can do to make themselves attractive to you. If you view someone as an ugly individual, you are going to see them as ugly on the outside even if the rest of the world thinks they are jaw-dropping gorgeous.
While my arm-chair psychology evaluation may be a bit over-simplified, I think there is a bit of truth to it. And if you are seeking revenge on your ex, chances are you didn’t part ways in an amicable manner. So most likely, their response will be, “Good riddance. Go sleep with anyone you want. It’s not my problem anymore. You can be their headache now.”
These revenge plastic surgery people should just get over themselves and realize that the best way to move on from their failed marriage is to stop obsessing over what their ex is thinking about them. Instead, go live your life, have some fun, and take your mind off your ex by meeting someone new.
If you are recently divorced, living in the Scottsdale, Arizona area, and have a hankering for some revenge plastic surgery, please contact Dr. John Corey today to schedule your initial consultation. Dr. Corey will make sure your ex is green with envy next time you are out on the town with your new love interest.