Mentoplasty, also known as chin surgery, is a procedure that reshapes the chin surgically. The enhancement is done with either an implant or filler to strengthen the presence of the chin or by reduction of the bone to create a smaller chin. Chin surgery is often performed along with nose surgery (rhinoplasty) to achieve maximum facial proportion. The procedure can create a balanced, more attractive face.
The chin may be enlarged by using injectable fillers while the patient is awake, using a local anesthesia. Augmentation using an injectable filler is temporary and will need to be repeated on a regular basis.
Permanent chin enlargement can be achieved with an implant. A small incision is made, in the natural crease under the chin or inside the mouth. A pocket is made in the facial tissue to accommodate the implant. The implants inserted and the incision closed. This is normally performed under general anesthesia.
A stronger chin can minimize the appearance of a prominent nose, and is often performed in combination with rhinoplasty. In some cases chin augmentation may even be an appropriate alternative to rhinoplasty.
Chin augmentation can improve the appearance of a double chin or fleshy neck. The procedure may be performed in combination with liposuction. A weak chin can also make a person look older. Strengthening the chin and bringing the features into balance can restore a youthful appearance.
Chin enlargement is one of the few cosmetic procedures more popular with men than women.
A small incision is made, in the natural crease under the chin or inside the mouth. The bone is sculpted to the desired size and shape and the incision closed. Chin reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes about one to three hours.
A chin that is too large can make the nose appear too small. Chin reduction can reduce the prominence of a protruding chin or improve the shape and angle of a chin that is too wide.
Bringing harmony to the face
The goal of any chin surgery is to bring all of the features into balance and restore harmony to the face. Chin surgery is commonly performed in conjunction with other procedures. In younger patients it is often combined with rhinoplasty and/or cheek implants to improve the entire shape of the face. Patients seeking a more youthful appearance may choose chin surgery in combination with a face or neck lift, to enhance the overall results.
Chin surgery, either augmentation or reduction, may also be performed as part of gender reassignment surgery, to correct a chin that is asymmetrical due to developmental abnormalities or injury, or to correct a patient’s ability to speak or chew normally.
If you are considering mentoplasty or wish to improve the harmony and balance of your facial features, talk to an experienced cosmetic surgeon today.