In a recent survey in Great Britain, it has been found that over half of women of ages 25 to 45 fully intend on having cosmetic surgery. The British women’s magazine Grazia performed the questionnaire involving interviews with over 1,000 women from England, Scotland Wales and showed an astounding 11% result of women who had already had plastic surgery. Women had been getting touch-ups that weren’t really noticable to the naked, untrained eye, such as nose jobs, wrinkle reduction, lip augmentation, and subtle breast augmentation.
The biggest motivation reported for getting cosmetic surgery was self-confidence. About 64% of those determined to have the surgery stated that they were hoping to feel better about their general appearance just for their own sake. The second most popular reason was the return of youthful looks, with a reported 42% of women willing to go under the knife remiss over what time does to the girlish figure. A small but noticable 13% of surgery-positive reports claimed women wanted to look more attractive to men. While a woman may opt for plastic surgery in order to attract a mate, in the long run it may actually give the woman a better impression of herself.
A woman’s happiness is the general concern with most cosmetic surgery prospects. With the occasionally taboo subject of breast implants, 72% of women surveyed (which includes those who do not plan to have cosmetic surgery) agreed that breast augmentation for women is a positive thing if it helps someone feel better about themselves. As cosmetic surgery has become a more popular option for women longing to improve their looks, it is more accpetable among most social groups. In fact, Grazia editor Jane Bruton stated, “In the last decade or so, having cosmetic surgery has become as normal as getting your hair done and there’s no shame in doing it any more. Times have changed since the only option for saggy breasts was to buy a better bra.”
If you or someone you know is considering plastic surgery, be sure to carefully select your cosmetic surgeon based on location, expertise, available services and staff.
Economic uncertainty affects cosmetic surgery in U.S. Newport Beach,Ca–(Marketwire-February 6,2008) — As the economic downturn in the U.S. continues, businesses that rely on discretionary income have suffered. A prime example of this is the cosmetic surgery industry. The Conference Board reported that the Consumer Confidence index, which monitors consumers’ feelings about the state of the economy, fell sharply in January. The public’s negative perception of the economy has decreased their spending. “The number of patients I am seeing in my practice has decreased significantly in the past several months,” says Dr. Edward Domanskis, a plastic surgeon in private practice in Newport Beach, California. “This has led me to adjust my surgical fees downward by 20% for the first time in my career,“ continued Dr. Domanskis, President of the American Society of Bariatric Plastic Surgeons. However, there have been some unexpected benefits to this slowdown like the Federal Reserve decreasing interest rates, which has translated in lower consumer loan rates. “We have seen more patients taking advantage of these historically low rates which makes their cosmetic surgery financing more affordable than ever,” says Tony Seymour SVP of Sales CareCredit, a subsidiary of General Electric and a leading finance company in the cosmetic surgery industry. Also, the lower interest rates have decreased the value of our dollar. This has resulted in an influx of foreign visitors and their spending. “I have definitely seen an increase in European patients seeking cosmetic surgery,” said Dr. Domanskis. “I trust that this and my own economic stimulus package for my plastic surgery practice will help during this unsettling time,” he said. It is estimated that about 11million people had cosmetic surgery or a non- surgical procedure like BOTOX®Cosmetic this past year, which would be about the same as statistics reported by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for 2006. Contact: Edward J. Domanskis,M.D.,F.A.C.S. Newport Beach, California 949.640-6324 [email protected] ——————————————————————————–No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.20/1262 – Release Date: 2/6/2008 9:13 AM