Ample collagen is a primary component of youthful skin. Anti-aging treatments often involve stimulating collagen production or infusing collagen into the skin. The destruction and replacement of collagen is a normal process of the body. As we age our bodies lose the ability to keep up, more collagen is destroyed than replaced. This leads to wrinkles and other signs of aging skin.
Collagenase is an enzyme that helps break down collagen. Currently, clinical trials are underway using the antibiotic doxycycline to inhibit collagenase and preserve preexisting collagen. The antibiotic is used in doses too low for antimicrobial activity, to prevent creating resistance. The treatment is already being used to treat periodontal disease by strengthening gum tissue.
My 21 y.o. nephew did this and that in prep and went to 3 months basic traing in carolina this weekend for the marines, to serve his country.They sent him home because of unclosed ear piercings. We are all shocked.he is willing to have surgery, of course, no insurance coverage for this. What is the least one could expect to pay out of pocket and would any patriotic plastic surgeons give a discount? We are in Philadelphia area. Thank you! [email protected]