If you dine at one of the Twisted Root Burger Company restaurants, you may be able to benefit from some rather unusual discounts. The Texas-based burger chain has been known to reward their patrons for looking good.
According to one employee, these discounts are given out to promote a fun atmosphere. I suppose in this case, fun can be a very subjective term. Some people might enjoy these discounts, but I’ll bet others find it a bit creepy that their server is evaluating their assets.
One such asset-related discount is awarded for “Best Butt.” Yes, if your server thinks you have a beautiful booty, you may be in for a treat when you receive your bill. But don’t run to your local plastic surgeon to get buttock augmentation. It will take a lot of burgers at Twisted Root to pay for your plastic surgery. The “Best Butt” discount knocks a whopping two cents off your bill.
If you are just an all around beautiful person, you might get another two cents taken off for being “Best Looking.” I’m not sure whether they have a “Best Boobs” discount as well. Something tells me that one might cross a line with a lot of customers.
Regardless, make sure to look your best the next time you head over to Twisted Root. In these tough economic times, every little bit can help.