A perky posterior is always considered a sign of youth and vitality. The butt lift is one of cosmetic surgery’s more recently developed procedures. It can be performed on its own or as part of a complete body lift. The procedure enhances the buttocks’ shape and makes it more raised.
Is a Butt Lift for Me?
There are many different reasons why you may feel your buttocks are not attractive. If your buttocks are too small or are poorly-shaped, you may want to get buttock augmentation with either autologous fat injection or a buttock implant. If your main problem is cellulite, you might consider a procedure like Endermologie to reduce its appearance. If you have excess fat in your buttocks, but you have good skin tone, you may get good results with liposuction.
If, on the other hand, you have not just cellulite and not just excess fat, but also loose, hanging skin, a butt lift may be the right treatment for you. A butt lift will raise up and shape the buttocks to give them a more youthful appearance.
The Butt Lift Procedure
For sagging buttocks where augmentation is not required, the butt is raised by excising tissue and ensuring that the skin is tightened. For less pronounced sagging, a ‘butt wedge’ might be indicated. The tissue is cut away at crease of the buttock. This allows for a scar that is quite well concealed.
This butt lift procedure removes extra tissue where the lower back and buttock meet. This allows the buttock tissues to be raised and the entire buttocks region to be recontoured. When liposuction is added to the mix, an often dramatic new look is accomplished.
A butt lift may be performed under local anesthesia along with conscious sedation, but it is more likely to be performed with general anesthesia.
Butt Lift Recovery
Everyone’s recovery is unique, so these are only general guidelines. During the recovery period, you will probably need to take some time off from work. At least two weeks is recommended, and more if your job involves excessive sitting. For the first few days, at least, you will want to have someone around to help you around the house. You are advised not to sit for one week following the procedure so as not to stress the operated area.
How much does buttock lift surgery cost?
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery statistics, the average cost of a buttock lift in the United States was $4885 in 2007. The cost may be higher or lower depending on the surgeon you work with and costs in your area.
If you would like to have shapelier buttocks and reverse the effects of aging on your backside, schedule a buttock lift consultation with a local cosmetic surgeon.
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