For many people, the effects of aging can become noticable in the brow area. The effects of time, age, stress, and even genetics can contribute to a wrinkled or furrowed brow. The result is often an angry or tired look and an upper face that does not convey expressions effectively. A forehead lift is appropriate for patients who desire a refreshed, youthful, or more animated appearance and for patients who have inherited low eyebrows.
Are you a Candidate for a Brow Lift?
Whether it is wrinkling, creases, loose skin, overhanging eye brows, or frown lines, a forehead lift, or brow lift, is designed to treat this by removing or reshaping the muscles and tissue above the eye. A brow lift is often performed in conjunction with other procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), facelift, or a chemical peel. The result can be a face that appears years younger.
Good candidates for having a brow lift procedure are women and men who want to give themselves a younger look to reflect how they feel and the slow the appearance of aging.
Your cosmetic surgeon will consider many factors when determining whether or not a forehead lift is the appropriate procedure for you. You will need to be very specific when telling your doctor what results you would like to achieve. Your surgeon will carefully examine your forehead and upper eyelids, evaluating the height of your hairline, position of your eyebrows and the amount and placement of excess tissue.
The Brow Lift Procedure
The plastic surgeon makes incisions just behind the hairline, either with or without an endoscope, to minimize visibility of scars. The incision runs from ear to ear over the top of the forehead. For a receding hairline, the incision may be made just in front of the hairline to prevent pulling the hairline back farther. Bald patients may have the incision at mid scalp in an inconspicuous location. This skin is lifted to allow access to the muscles that are trimmed and reshaped. Excess fat and skin is also removed. The incision is closed with stitches or clips.
Some patients prefer endoscopic surgery, which uses several small incisions rather than one large one. Endoscopic surgery is performed with the aid of a small camera that is inserted under the skin. This type of surgery is not appropriate in all cases, but can be a good alternative for people who may have problems with scarring.
A brow lift is usually performed under local anesthesia, meaning that you will not be asleep for the brow lift procedure, but you will not feel any pain. Once the surgeon has completed the brow lift, they will close the incisions using sutures or stitches.
Brow lifts are usually performed as outpatient procedures, meaning that you will be allowed to go home to recuperate from the surgery. However, if the brow lift is performed as an inpatient procedure, you may be required to stay in the hospital for a day of rest.
Multiple Procedures
Many times brow lifts are performed along with other cosmetic surgery procedures like nose reshaping, facelift, eyelid surgery, or microdermabrasion.
Following a brow lift, bruising and swelling may persist in the area for a few weeks, and itching, numbness, and isolated hairloss may occur around the incisions. all of these effects should subside after a few weeks of recovery.
Although work and normal activities can be resumed after a weeks or so of rest, after a brow lift, strenuous activity and exposure to the sun should be limited, and your plastic surgeon should provide you with specific instructions.
For more information on brow lifts, try looking in the Facial Procedures Articles.
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