After having breast enlargement surgery, many women who choose to have the procedure, report that breast enlargement surgery hasn’t only enhanced their appearance, but it also boosts confidence and self-esteem. Breast augmentation patients often remark “I wish I’d done this sooner!”
Sasha, a 36 year old mother, said, “After breast-feeding my children, my breasts shrunk and I lost a lot of firmness, even though my weight stayed almost the same. I used to be proud of my figure, but it had gotten to the point that I hated looking at myself without a bra. I definitely wasn’t ready to take on the ‘matron’ role yet, so I started thinking about cosmetic surgery.”
Sasha worked with her surgeon to decide what breast implants would be best for her breast enhancement procedure. They ended up choosing saline breast implants to restore her breasts to their size before she had children, which was an appropriate size of 36C. “My husband is happy also. He never mentioned anything negative about my appearance before breast enlargement surgery, but after the procedure, he told me he had actually missed my nice full breasts and was glad to have them back. It’s amazing how much better I feel about myself now,” noted Sasha.
Michelle is another woman who chose to have breast enlargement surgery. She is a 25-year-old hairstylist, but she was unhappy with her breasts since she was a teenager. “All my friends developed a nice bustline, but I never did,” she remembers.
Sometimes, Michelle chose to wear padded bras, but she found that they felt too unnatural. “The bras felt too stiff and by breasts looked fake, especially with low-cut tops.” Michelle is a 5’8” tall woman with a model-like, slim build.
Michelle worked with her plastic surgeon to decide on saline implants that increased her AA size breasts to a full B cup, giving her a natural, feminine look. “I am so happy I had this done!” Michelle says. “I feel much more confident and attractive, not like I’m missing something. I enjoy trying on clothes for the first time in my life, because I’m pleased with the way my body looks.”
Other breast enlargement patients used to be satisfied with the shape and size of their breasts, but after breast-feeding and pregnancy, their breasts no longer looked the way they wanted them to.
Pamela, age 55, wanted to feel a little better about herself, she chose to undergo breast enlargement surgery after her last child left home. “I felt like I was starting a new life—that I would finally have the energy and time to focus on myself rather than taking care of everyone else,” according to Pamela, who was naturally small breasted. Pamela had always wanted a bustline that was proportional to her broad hips; she chose to have saline implants increase her cup size to a full C, giving her appearance a more balanced look. “I can’t believe how much better I look!” reports Pamela. “People are saying I look younger since my kids left home, but I think it’s because my posture has improved. I notice that I’m standing up straighter now because I’m not trying to hide my chest anymore.”
Many women choose to give themselves natural-looking breasts, however, some women choose a more dramatic look for breast enlargement. “I’ll admit it—I enjoy being noticed,” said Candice, a 29-year-old photographer. Candice chose to get saline implants that increased her breast size from a small B to a full D cup, which works well with her 5’9” frame and attention-getting wardrobe. “It’s not that I thought there was anything wrong with my looks before, “ notes Candice, “but I have a lot more confidence now. I feel much more attractive because I look the way I’ve always wanted to look.”